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Watch the video and follow the instructions step-by-step
01 Prep
Step 1: Prep for the test
・Drink some water (16 oz) an hour before taking your sample. Drawing blood is difficult if you're dehydrated.
・Wash your hands with warm water for three minutes before collecting your sample to bring blood to the area
・Stand while collecting your sample will help with blood flow.
Anchor 1
Step 2: Fill in information on your test card

・Place the collection card on a clean, dry surface like a desk.
・Write your information on the lines at the bottom of the card.
01 Name
02 Date of birth
03 Date of sample collection
Step 3: Use lancet

・Twist the cap, and pull to remove the protective tip from the lancet.

・Use the alcohol pad to clean your fingertip and allow it to dry.
・Pricking toward the side of your finger reduces discomfort using your finger later.
・Once you prick it, wipe away the first drop of blood.
Step 4: Drip blood

Do NOT directly touch the test card with your finger anywhere on the test strip. Let the blood drop down.
Let 4-6 large drops fall to the square - or as many as it takes to fill the card past the first line. This may take several minutes. Do not squeeze your finger, it can damage the blood cells. If you need help, you can massage your lower arm with your opposite hand

If you couldn't fill up the card with one prick, repeat the process with a new finger.
Once the blood passes the first line, use the gauze pad to apply pressure to your finger. Then, apply the bandage. Dispose of the used lancet and gauze properly.
Step 5: Wait
Let the collection card dry for 60 minutes, then come back to check its eligibility.
Step 6: Check card eligibility

Make sure the blood passes the first line and has clear serum.

If the red blood does NOT pass the first line, our lab will NOT be able to analyze your sample.

If your sample is entirely red. rather than separating, that means that the red blood cells burst and you need to repeat your test.
Avoid squeezing your fingertip
too hard when taking the test
to reduce the risk of hemolysis.
If you believe your sample may not be eligible, please take a picture of your sample, place the sample in your return pouch, and send the picture to for a replacement card.
step 07
Step 7: Send it our way!
・After 60 minutes, tear open the blood sample return pouch. Don’t remove any of the contents inside.
・Place the card inside the pouch and seal. Place blood sample return pouch into the mailer with the pre-paid shipping label.
・Drop off mailer at your nearest USPS box or in mail box the same day as collection.

You are all set!
The results will be available on the web portal - we will send you an email when your result is ready.
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